Heidi Smith
- Economía
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- Academia.edu
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- heidi.smith@ibero.mx
- "59504000 Ext: 4758"
My research examines local decision making, governance, and administrative structures, particularly in Latin America. I study specific areas such as fiscal, urban and economic development policies to better understand when governments attempt to use a particular option, their incentive, structures and best practices to ensure successful implementation. My research is both qualitative and quantitative by design and I have conducted field research in Argentina and Mexico.
Investigaciones en curso
Clases que imparte
Posgrados a los que pertenece
Líneas de investigación
Financiamiento al Sector Privado y Público: Instituciones y Políticas Públicas
Redes Externas
Portada | Tipo de publicación | Descripción |
Artículo |
The Impact of Parties and Elections on Municipal Debt Policy in Mexico with Allyson Benton, Governance, Vol. 30, No. 4, October 2017 (pp. 621 - 639). |
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US Sub-national Governmental Response to the “Great Recession”: Implications for the Equitable Distribution of the Costs and Benefits of Public Services, with Blue Wooldridge, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Vol. 83, No. 3. September 2017 (pp. 425–442) |
Artículo |
The Role of Metropolitan Cooperation and Administrative Capacity in Subnational Debt Dynamics: Evidence From Municipal Mexico. with Allyson Lucinda Benton, Public Budgeting and Finance, Vol. 37, No. 2, Summer 2017 (pp.58 - 82). |
Artículo |
What encourages Cities to become Sustainable? Measuring the effectiveness of implementing local adaptation policies, with Edgar Ramírez de la Cruz, Journal of International Public Administration, Vol 39, No. 10, March 2016 (pp. 718-728). |
Artículo |
Micro-Incentives and Municipal Behavior: Political Decentralization and Fiscal Federalism in Argentina and Mexico, with Keith Revell, World Development Vol. 77, January 2016, (pp. 231–248). |
Artículo |
Inversión estatal en programas sociales a tres décadas de ladescentralización y la reforma social en México / State Investment in Social Programs after Three Decades of Decentralization and Social Reform in Mexico with Anahely Medrano, Revista de Gestion y Politica Publica,Vol. 26, núm. 3 Volumen Temático 2017: Reformas a los sistemas de bienestar y seguridad social pp. 157-189. |
Artículo |
Control del endeudamiento Subnacional y debilidad institucional: ¿Cómo funcionan las reglas fiscales en México? Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Municipales (RIEM) No14, agosto-diciembre 2016 (pp.115-149). |
Artículo |
Endeudamiento público versus privado: una primera aproximación a los patrones de endeudamiento de las ciudades mexicanas. Coautor: Edgar Ramírez, Equilibrio Económico, Revista de Economía Política y Sociedad (Coahuila, México) Vol 9, No. 2 Deciembre 2013 (pp 139-177). |
Capítulo de libro |
City Networks and Para-Diplomacy creating new Global Public Policy, chapter in The Oxford Handbook of Global Policy and Transnational Administration edited by Diane Stone and Kim Moloney, Oxford Press 2018. |
Capítulo de libro |
Why Opinions Matter for Financing Local Economic Development in Latin America: An Analytic Survey on Incentives, El municipio ante la crisis del federalismo mexicano, publicado por la Red de Investigadores en Gobiernos Locales Mexicanos A.C, Diciembre 2017 (ISBN 978-0-9970858-7-7).
Capítulo de libro |
Public Debt in Mexico: Policy Lessons for the Effective Oversight of State and Municipal Government Finances, Woodrow Wilson Center Policy Paper, Sept 2015, Washington DC. |